Simplified OBTC

2 min readOct 21, 2020

Since I don’t have a social media presence and wish to remain anonymous anyway, I’ve only managed to share this blog with a small number of people, but I’ve received great feedback and criticisms. Thanks everyone!

I made the most interesting discovery inspired by one of these discussions — a way to greatly simplify OBTC. Recently, Coinmetrics introduced their Free Float Supply metric. After some testing, I’ve found that simply dividing Realized Cap/FFSupply arrives at a result very close to OBTC. OK, so obviously calling it simplified is just a selfish perspective — just reading through Coinmetrics’ paper on Free Float methodology, it’s a lot more in-depth and complex than what I was using. But, for the average user, it is simpler as you can simply collect two calculated variables from Coinmetrics.

It should not be surprising, I suppose, given the base metric for both is the good old Realized Cap, and the FF Supply also attempts to broadly account for BTC’s nature as store-of-value by subtracting supply which isn’t going to be available any time soon. The divergences are within 5% for the most part. I’m actually using a more approximate method than Coinmetrics, because, of course, I’m the amateur here and lack the forensic tools.

As an illustration, here are the divergences between OBTC and Realized Cap / FF Supply YTD.

I’ll continue to use my original model and post the results here, particularly because I’m not able to replicate Valuation Gap as well with the simplified model. I don’t know why just yet, could be because of a different methodology being used, but I believe it is largely because neither Realized Cap nor FF Supply account for long-term volatility shifts and medium-term active supply like OBTC thus. I’ll try to see if I can shoehorn some of the characteristics of OBTC on to the simplified model, but so far I haven’t found an easy way.

I’m happy to see that there’s a simpler version of the same concept available. On that note, I’d also recommend everyone using Realized Cap, in metrics like RUPL or MVRV, to now adjust it with FF Supply — a more “Organic” Realized Cap, so to speak.




OBTC is an attempt to value BTC using on-chain activity. I’m just a bitcoin investor, not a professional quant, please do not take this conjecture too seriously